Some of the actions to reach our mission:
- Social Innovation through the inclusion of “diverse” sounds/ languages (Wolof, Pidgin’ En, Lingala…)/cultures & trends in the EU market, and the building of a representation of underrepresented communities such as the Afro community one.
Working with realities enhancing the representation of diversities in young Italians; - Export of African innovative sounds / building structures behind realities of the music market starting from the French-phone West Africa;
- Musically & internationally working between artists and professional realities in Africa (i.g. Senegal – South Africa);
- Partnering and collaborating with strong institutions and enterprises (Keychange Europe, Metatron Group, Dakar Music Expo, Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Dakar, Coop allo Sviluppo Italia-Senegal, Ambasciata italiana a Dakar, Electropark Festival / Associazione Impresa Sociale, The Orchard Africa, Garrincha Distr. …) active in the social innovation and music to empower our mission through the market;
- Europe-Africa-Afro community: win-win business exchange, empowerment and business awareness through education for young artists and professionals.